Tuesday 12 May 2015

12th May 2015

I did a doodle today, well actually I've been doing illustrations for one of the Children's Books I am working on. One of the things I find so sad about illustrating are those lovely little creatures, characters and scenes that don't actually make it in to the book. Maybe they were not quite the right colours or shapes, maybe there simply wasn't the space for them or perhaps, and this is so often the case, they don't quite look like how I'd imagined them in my head.

This results in a number of little critters and people, flowers and trees, being left to spend their days in an archive file on my PC. So today, I am letting one of them roam free on the pages of my blog. He was a test doodle/scribble I did as I tried out colours and styles, and he is too cute to hide away, even if he isn't anywhere near as cute as the one that has made the book...

So here is 'the-one-that-didn't-quite-cut-it'.

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