This blog follows my personal challenge to do a doodle everyday for 2015 to show something from my day - an occurrence, a thought, a meeting, some work, news, something that caught my eye, a conversation I had or overheard... in summary, this is my Doodle Diary 2015. And if you fancy, why not share your day with a doodle too.
Saturday, 11 April 2015
11th April 2015
Going away is fantastic. Loads of fun and seeing wonderful people. Going out, having adventures, good food, good wine and lots of laughter. But there is still no place like home.
Too tired after all the above fun, food, wine, laughter etc to type anything else.
Night night.
Friday, 10 April 2015
10th April 2015
I did a doodle today as part of the #colour_collective burnt umber challenge this week. Being away with four little girls, away from my laptop and any resemblance of a design package put me in a bit of a quandary... Shall I or shall I not do the colour collective challenge this week?
Well, I have to do a doodle everyday (that is my challenge), so why not use what I have access to and get creative. And out came the trusty chunky felt-tips.
So more character creations with the little ones has led to a 'Web-foot Treeling', rare but most definitely a part of the burnt umber variety of lesser-spotted treelings!
Thursday, 9 April 2015
9th April 2015
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
8th April 2015
Fun fun fun, now sleep sleep sleep.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
7th April 2015
Monday, 6 April 2015
6th April 2015
Eggs, eggs, glorious eggs. Boil it, fry it, scramble it, poach it, pickle it, omelette it, frittata it, bake it, cake it, benedict it... Yummy yummy eggs.
Happy Ickle Monday everyone.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
5th April 2015
Though I have to confess, I'm not sure the intermittent high-speed-full-volume sugar rushes from all the little girls in the house is going down as well. Ear muffs anyone?
Happy Easter.